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Monday, 2 November 2015

How time flies!

We can hardly believe it is the end of the first half term, it has flown by with all the children working very hard and making good progress.

Our topic work has been focused around rivers and canals and our trip to Brindley Place was a huge success. We were picked up by a tour company and taught about Birmingham and it's canals, we went into Brindley Place and saw the canal in action. Then we visited the Birmingham Museum to see what life was like in Victorian times. Have a look at our photos.

The children are  loving Accelerated Reader in key stage 2 and with a massive order of new books to be delivered after half term we hope this will further engage and inspire them. Thank you to all children who are reading their books at home and bringing their books in every day compared to the beginning of the term. However we need 100% of the class to be doing this.

Swimming has been a great success and the children are thoroughly enjoying it and making progress according to the swimming instructors at the pool. 3.1 will continue to go swimming until Christmas so please keep the kits coming in.

It leaves us to say have a lovely half term and come back refreshed and ready for even more excitement and challenge!

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