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Monday, 2 November 2015

How time flies!

We can hardly believe it is the end of the first half term, it has flown by with all the children working very hard and making good progress.

Our topic work has been focused around rivers and canals and our trip to Brindley Place was a huge success. We were picked up by a tour company and taught about Birmingham and it's canals, we went into Brindley Place and saw the canal in action. Then we visited the Birmingham Museum to see what life was like in Victorian times. Have a look at our photos.

The children are  loving Accelerated Reader in key stage 2 and with a massive order of new books to be delivered after half term we hope this will further engage and inspire them. Thank you to all children who are reading their books at home and bringing their books in every day compared to the beginning of the term. However we need 100% of the class to be doing this.

Swimming has been a great success and the children are thoroughly enjoying it and making progress according to the swimming instructors at the pool. 3.1 will continue to go swimming until Christmas so please keep the kits coming in.

It leaves us to say have a lovely half term and come back refreshed and ready for even more excitement and challenge!

Thursday, 24 September 2015

A Super Start!

Firstly, we would like to say a huge thank you for getting your children to school and on time! It is fantastic that everyone in 3.1 is ready to start their learning at 9am.

We have had a very busy first few weeks with the children getting used to being taught by both Mrs Curtis (Mon-Weds) and Mrs Priestley (Thurs-Fri) but they have adapted amazingly.

We just thought we'd remind you of a few new things now your children have started the grown up world of KS2 life!

Reading Books and bags

We are very lucky in KS2 to be using the Accelerated Reading scheme where your child gets to select which book they would like to take home to read, like their own personal book shop! So, could we please ask that all children have a book bag, preferably a school one, to carry them to and from school so they stay in good condition.

Please make an extra effort now to read with your children at home as well as encouraging them to read their books independently. When they complete their book they will take a comprehension quiz on the computer and need to score 85% just to pass, so you can see how important it is to support them with their reading!  Prizes will be awarded to those who score 100% in their quiz.


3.1 are going swimming every Thursday afternoon until Christmas so please make sure they bring their swimming kits in on that day.
Please also send a PE kit in so if we can't go swimming one week for any reason, we can still do PE.

Dance Club - Monday 3.30 - 4.30

An amazing 13 of our class have been lucky enough to be granted a place in dance club after school. Please make sure they have their PE kits or they will not be able to take part.

Lastly, if you have any problems or questions we can help you with, please don't hesitate to make an appointment with either one of us.

Monday, 6 July 2015

The last Spelling Test of the year!

Well Done to the children who got 100% in their test this week!!!

A MASSIVE well done to the following children for getting 100% for the whole Term!!! You can have 5 house points! 

Monday, 22 June 2015

The Superstar spellers this week...

Well done to the super spellers this week who got 100% correct!
Only 9!!! 3.1 can do much better than this! Please make sure you PRACTICE at home. 

Monday, 15 June 2015

The Super 17!

17 100% spellers this week! Well done!

Keep it up!!!

Friday, 12 June 2015

New Wonder Wall challenge

Our new Wonder Wall challenge poster is up in the classroom.

Well done to everyone who answered last fortnight.  You were all given housepoints.

If you can answer any of these questions, write it on a post-it note and stick it on the poster.  If you come up with  a great answer, you will get 3 house points.

Don't forget to put your names on your post-it notes!  

Good luck!

Mummification Instructions

Over the past two weeks in our English lessons, we have been learning how to write instructions.  We linked this to our Egyptian topic by learning about the process of mummification.  Our hot task was to write a set of detailed instructions to explain how to mummify a body.

Our success criteria said that our instructions we had to include:
- Time connectives
- Imperative verbs
- A title and subheadings
- Adverbs

In today's lesson we followed our instructions to mummify a person.  We were looking at how easy the instructions were to follow and whether they included enough detail.

The first volunteer to be mummified was a very brave Jethro!  Jannath followed his instructions to see if they explained what she needed to do.

Next it was Alexandra's turn to be mummified.  Sarib followed Anees' instructions to mummify her body.

Here are some of the instructions that we wrote.  Do you think they include all of the features in the Success Criteria?

How to mummify a body

You will need:
-Canopic jars

What to do:
1. First you will need to get fresh water from the River Nile and pour it carefully over the body.
2. Next, dry the body with salt.
3. Then take out the organs slowly and put them into canopic jars.
4. After that, carefully pull out the brain through the nose with a hook.
5. Then put the heart back in.
6. Wrap the body carefully in bandages and decorate the sarcophagus.
7. Finally, put special amulets in the sarcophagus with body.

by Jannath

How to mummify a person

You will need:
- Salt

1.  First you will need water from the River Nile so you can wash the body.
2. Next, quickly dry the person in salt and leave them for 40-50 days so that the body doesn't go rotten.
3. Take out the organs slowly because they don't need them in their afterlife.
4.  Take the brain out with a hook very carefully and throw it in the River Nile.
5. Then put the heart back in because Egyptians thought that would help you for your afterlife.
6. After that, carefully wrap bandages around the body 20 times.
7.  Quickly decorate the sarcophagus with bright colours.
8. Put special items in the sarcophagus and then finally your mummy is ready!

by Anees

How to mummify a body

You will need:
- Bandages
-Canopic jars

What to do:
1. First carefully wash the body in clean water from the Nile.
2. Then dry the body with salt and wait patiently for about 40 days.
3. After that you need to carefully pull out the internal organs.  Put them into canopic jars.
4. Then get a hook and cautiously pull out the brain.  You can put it in the bin.
5.  Next put the heart carefully back into the body.
6. After  that gently wrap the body in bandages.
7. Next use paint to decorate the sarcophagus.
8. Finally put amulets carefully in with the body and then you have a mummified body!

by Ian