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Thursday, 30 April 2015


Year 3 have been learning about voting, the Government and Parliament.

3.1 learnt that...

  • In 1215 AD there was 63 rules - Ibrahim 
  • The Prime Minister lives in 10 Downing Street - Alex.M 
  • You can vote when you are 18 or over - Maryam 
  • In the olden days women weren't allowed to vote - Ian 
  • England is a Democratic country which means everyone gets a vote! 
  • Parliament is in London - Uzair
  • Every 5 years we have an election and people vote for a new Prime Minister. You go to a polling station - Sarib 
  • Our prime Minister at the moment is DAVID CAMERON - Joseph 

3.1 and 3.3 had a debate. Our debate was about having a shorter lunch so school can finish early. 3.1 looked at why children wanted to go home early and 3.3 looked at why we should not go home early.

Here are some pictures from our debate...

The results!!

32 children voted FOR having a shorter lunch and finish school early.
22 children voted AGAINST a shorter lunch and school finishing early.

Tuesday, 28 April 2015

100% Spellers!

Another fantastic week for spellers! 

Well done to the following children for getting 100% in their spellings this week! They were tricky words! 


Friday, 24 April 2015

St George's Day 

What do class 3.1 know about St George's Day?

Ian - Saint George's day is on the 23rd April.

Rehan - Saint George died in 303.

Alexandra - Saint George slayed a dragon.

Uzair -  He is also a saint in Portugal, Greece and Moscow.

Bronson - The flag is red and white.

Joseph - He was tortured and executed.

100% Spellers this week

Well done to the following children for getting 100% in their spellings this week!
Keep it up! 


Well Done! :) 

Mrs Sale is setting a challenge

Our reading policy - 

Green - Reading book has been seen and there is a comment in your child's homework diary.

Orange - Reading book has been seen but no comment from home in your child's homework diary.

Red - Your child has not returned their reading book and there is no comment in their homework diary.

We encourage all children to read at home and have a comment in their homework diary - we give house points to children that do this.

The challenge...

Next week, we want all children to return their books with a comment in their homework diary from an adult at home, comments only need to be small with a signature. If all children get a green mark by their name Miss Ward and Mrs Sale have promised to give class 3.1 a class privilege.

Many thanks
Miss Ward & Mrs Sale

Friday, 17 April 2015

Our Egyptian WOW day

We wanted to introduce our new topic for this term with the WOW factor. Here is what we got up to...

Crack the code!!

We had to decode the hieroglyphics to discover the hidden message...

All of 3.1 were able to crack the code...WELL DONE!

We then had an Egyptian banquet  where all children got the chance to experience the life of the rich and poor Egyptians. 

We also had a special guest join us - WISEY the owl !

We loved all of your fabulous costumes!

Finally, a big thank you for all of your hard work over the holidays, some of you produced fantastic projects and because of this, you have made our topic display board look amazing.

Tuesday, 14 April 2015

Welcome back!

Hope you all had a lovely break! 

Thank you to all the children who have brought in fantastic Egyptian projects. You will see pictures of them in our next post. 

Spellings were sent out before the holiday and 3.1's 100% spellers for this week are:


Well Done!!!